Membership Registration

Official Representative

Please nominate your Official Representative and primary contact person for all correspondence regarding your membership. NB this person will be your voting representative unless notified otherwise in writing:

Membership payments contact

If the above representative is not the person to contact regarding membership payments and renewals please provide relevant contact details below:

Briefly describe how your organisation fulfils the eligibility criteria for membership listed at (d) in the eligibility criteria.


As the nominated representative, I declare that the organisation I represent as a member of the Spiritual Health Association Limited fulfils the stated eligibility criteria, is committed to the purpose of the association and agrees to be bound by the Constitution of Spiritual Health Association Limited.

I declare.

Once your application has been approved by the Board of the Spiritual Health Association, we will notify you of your membership status and issue an invoice for $250. If you have any queries about your membership application, please call us to discuss on 03 8415 1144.