Reference List

POSTER 1 - Spiritual Care: Relevant and Responsive in Times of Crisis

  • Puchalski, C. M., et al. (2014). "Spirituality and health: the development of a field." Academic Medicine 89(1): 10-16.
  • Aiken, C. (2022). "Australian Chaplaincy Support of Health Care Staff: Presence, Professional and Relational." Journal of religion and health.
  • Tan, H., et al. (2021). "“Essential Not Optional”: Spiritual Care in Australia during a Pandemic." Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 75(1_suppl): 41-45.
  • Damen, A., Labuschagne, D., Fosler, L., O’Mahony, S., Levine, S., & Fitchett, G. (2019). What Do Chaplains Do: The Views of Palliative Care Physicians, Nurses, and Social Workers. 
  • American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 36(5), 396–401.
  • Australia - Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. (2009). International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22(1).

POSTER 2 - Spiritual Care Practitioners: Who are they? What do they do?

  • Balboni, T. A., Fitchett, G., Handzo, G. F., Johnson, K. S., Koenig, H. G., Pargament, K. I., Puchalski, C. M., Sinclair, S., Taylor, E. J., & Steinhauser, K. E. (2017). State of the Science of Spirituality and Palliative Care Research Part II: Screening, Assessment, and Interventions. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 54(3), 441–453.
  • The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority. Reference to Changes for ICD-10AM/ACHI/ACS Eleventh Edition Darlinghurst: The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority; 2019.
  • Advocate. (2014). Faith at advocate: Advocate health care. Advocate Health. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from 

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